Sunday, November 4, 2018

Should have been a contender, issue 7

Visi-Lad (Rhent Ustin) is one of those characters that seemed to be created as someone to fill a page.  He appears to be a human with some strange eyes, 4 total, and he was found on a doorstep outside an orphanage.  OK, how depressing is it that they still have orphanages in the 30th century?  Also, this origin would not fly today as many places now have surveillance.  Moving on.  Of course the only place for this poor child was to join the Legion Academy.  He has a few scenes over the years but nothing significant.  It appears that he joined during the 5 Year Gap but we never saw it.

Visi-Lad had a few looks, but one interpretation almost saw the extra eyes as not being attached to the skull and not wearing a goggle apparatus.  

His powers were varied.  It appears that he was able to combo his eyes to use different abilities.  He had both telescopic and microscopic vision, heat vision (yawn) and hypnotic vision.  I'm not quite sure how hypnotic vision works unless those two large eyes do something like Sir Hiss

With having Mon-El in the Legion, most of Visi-Lad's abilities are already duplicated.  I'm not sure if they would allow him in simply on the hypnosis vision but it worked for Ultra Boy and his Penetra Vision!  What I do like about Visi-Lad is that he has offensive, defensive, and utility abilities, making him useful in various types of missions.

Now, technically, with 2 pairs of eyes, there are still two more combos that we haven't seen if he can align his eyes on the diagonal. What about all 4 together?  Personally, I would love to see him have some type of impact beam as that is not duplicated by any Legionnaire. It's a less lethal offensive ability.  Maybe add another ability that allows him to see energy fields.  Other potential powers:  Freeze Vision, Petrifying Gaze, Light Vision. Even if he was be reintroduced with only 4 powers, I would probably change up those powers slightly, making his telescopic and microscopic vision two parts of the same power. Heat Vision could be substituted with Light/Laser Vision.  There are a lot of possibilities depending on where someone wanted to go with his powers, but as a character, there is nothing problematic about him at all!  He just needs a chance and some development.

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