Monday, December 3, 2018

Should have been a contender, issue 8

This is sort of an odd one here.  Both a villain and a hero at one point, because he did not seem very evil.  He just wanted to belong!  He tried out for the Legion and was rejected, joined the LSV, but eventually ended up joining the Subs in Vol 4.  It's Ron-Karr.

Ron-Karr was from the planet Neptune. It's not clear how he gained his powers.  It was stated that his power was to make himself flat, but he did not have to make himself flat in any particular manner. He was a bit timid.  He didn't seem to like combat and his skills were used for infiltration and spying.  But I think he doesn't give himself enough credit.  In Vol 4, he showed control enough of his powers to actually stretch.

I wonder if his power could be modified, not actually to become flat, but to become 2-D.  That changes up his powers a bit, increasing his powers of infiltration as he may have a molecule's worth of thickness.  Many characters that go 2D may also become sharp on their edge and can use that as a weapon. Some characters can use their powers to make like a piece of fabric to wrap someone up in.

I do see him more of a villain type, but not blood thirsty evil.  His powers lend him more to be a thief than a conqueror but it was once mentioned that the LSV could have an Espionage Squad.  He would be ideal for that. 

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