Wednesday, May 30, 2018

What's old is new, issue 1

This segment is based on my read of an old comic that I had not read before to see if the story holds up.  I will critique or maybe just be an ass about it all. Today's subject is Legion of Super-Heroes Annual #1.

I picked this issue for several reasons:
First, it is the introduction of Invisible Kid II, Jacques Foccart, and his sister Danielle who would later become a hero named Computo.  Second, this is the reintroduction of Shvaughn Erin, a character first introduced by Levitz in Earthwar, but no one seemed to run with.  Officer Erin became an important supporting character through Levitz's run, somewhat in the 5YL storyline, and again in the Reboot.

Random idea

Legion Lost vol 3, but with these guys:

Image credit to Nick Marino ganked from somewhere

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Should have been a contender, issue 1

It's always bothered me that some characters in the Legion of Superheroes never got their due.  Some just had powers that got them written out.  Others just were not liked for whatever reason.  I wanted to give a shout out to one of my favorite characters who became a Legionnaire once, but we never saw it.  That character is:

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Superboy & the Legion of Superheroes Vol 1

Picked up this hardcover on Free Comic Book day because my local shop was giving a 20% discount.  Some of these stories are pure rubbish.  More later.  Maybe.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

A Case of Dream Girl

Disclaimer: going to make a few TV references here.

I can say that Nura Nal of Naltor was never one of my favorite characters.  Somedays I like her more than others.  And maybe its no surprise considering she can go from manipulative schemer to intensely clever, from wilting flower to bodacious blond. Usually, she is portrayed as highly intelligent with a scientific background and many remember her successful run as the leader during the Great Darkness Saga.  She has often been acknowledged as being powerful enough to be the next High Seer of Naltor, but often times, her premonitions are just vague statements that become plot MacGuffins. "I saw a Legionnaire die!"  Well which one?!

To be fair, Precognition is one of the worst powers in comicbookdom. For many characters, it's accompanied by blindness and they often talk in riddles. Thankfully, we don't see that with Dream Girl. In her first appearance, Dreamy could actually see future events, her problem, though, was she had no context of the event.  What she thought was a ship full of Legionnaires was just a bunch of dummies.  Realistic looking dummies, obvi.  So that's one way premonition can work.

However, Dream Girl has shown multiple forms of telling the future.  She could intuit an opponents moves, similar to how Spider-Man can anticipate a punch before it's thrown. Sometimes, her premonitions came while she was sleeping, sometimes it came on like a ton of bricks. It appears she also trained to enter a meditative state that would help produce visions. Sometimes it was just like turning the pages of a comic book.